Activities for families

Exploring Santa Croce for younger visitors

Draw my Name. The language of heraldry

Coats-of-arms are an aspect of our cultural heritage that has successfully weathered the passage of time. Topical examples of this include the crests that identify our institutions, for instance our own municipality whose symbols have defined the history and identity of Florence for almost a millennium.

The basilica of Santa Croce is especially rich in heraldry and in stories to discover through the language of heraldry with its colours, its animals, its fruits, its plants and its other elements arranged on the basis of very specific rules.

With our small guide entitled "Draw my Name. The language of heraldry", children can learn about some of the more important coats-of-arms in Santa Croce and can even create their very own coat-of-arms with the help of a teacher or a parent.

The game of heraldry

Discover our treasure hunts and win a prize

A treasure hunt in which young children will be able play independently using images that reproduce the art within Santa Croce, a treasure trove of masterpieces. In this way they will learn to notice and find details, to orient themselves on a map and above all... They can win a prize!

For this activity, each child will receive a card with the details of six works and will be asked to write down the exact place where they are located on the map. Remember to bring a pen!

The treasure hunt is available at the entrance, after the ticket office.