"Genius Loci. Discovering Santa Croce" returns to Santa Croce
The Festival takes place this year from 28th to 30th of September, with events on the evenings of 28th and 29th and with a final concert on 30th September at sunrise
Hospitality is the theme of the VI edition of the Festival. It will be a journey conveyed by music, stories, culture, thoughts. An ideal journey in search of hospitality.
The festival takes up one of the great themes of the Franciscan Rule, hospitality, and at the same time returns a contemporary vision. Between the Basilica, Refectory, Cloisters and the Pazzi Chapel artists, intellectuals and writers will meet and hold site-specific events, in a contest in which spirituality and beauty, memory and history, both past and future all find a synthesis.
Among the many guests and artists the rapper Ghemon, the geologist and TV presenter Mario Tozzi, the demographer Massimo Livi Bacci, the Japanese band Taiko Drummers and the singer-songwriter Zola Jesus.
In a dimension of wonder and discovery, the artists involved in the project will accompany visitors in a singular experience of living the monumental complex in a new and original way.
The initiative is organised by the Controradio Club, the Opera di Santa Croce and Controradio, together with the cultural association La Nottola Di Minerva. This project is part of major exhibitions and festivals of the “Estate Fiorentina” organized by the Florence Municipality with the contribution of the Metropolitan City of Florence. "Genius Loci, discovering Santa Croce" is unique on the Italian scene.

How to participate
Access is free with reservations required. At the moment, tickets are sold out; additional tickets will be available online, starting from the following dates:
- on 22 September, tickets for the shows on 28 September will be available from 3 pm;
- on 25 September, tickets for the shows on 29 September will be available from 3 pm;
- on 26 September, tickets for the sunrise concert of 30 September will be available from 3 pm.
Tickets are valid until the beginning of the show in the day of your selection.