Over 30.000 visitors in a month for "Dante Il Poeta Eterno" by Felice Limosani
Since the inauguration of the exhibition in the Pazzi Chapel, there has been a great flow and interaction from the public
The artist Felice Limosani comments on the success of the initiative in this way: “everyone lives this experience in an intimate and contemplative way, I would say spiritual”.
The new artistic installation "Dante the Eternal Poet", designed to dialogue with the unique architecture of the Pazzi Chapel, "speaks" using the multimodal language of the Digital Humanities that literally animate, that otherworldly world that was imagined by Dante in the Divine Comedy. With the use of new digital technologies Limosani has reworked the famous engravings of Gustave Doré associating them with unpublished medieval choral music, rewritten specifically for this work. Images and sound become a single experience that guides the visitor along a personal contemplative and sensory journey.
The originality of the project was a real "call to art" for a group of supporters and partners such as TIM, Eni, Intesa San Paolo, Poste Italiane, Fondazione CR Firenze, Regione Toscana, Camera di Commercio di Firenze, K-Array and Nana Bianca.
An immersive work promoted by the Fondo Edifici di Culto of the Ministry of the Interior, the Municipality of Florence, the Opera di Santa Croce and the Felice Limosani Studio.
The exhibition inside Pazzi Chapel. Photo : Massimo Listri