The restoration of the "Stories from the Life of St. Francis" in the Bardi Chapel
Up on the scaffolding with Giotto
On Thursday, September 19th, has been presented the restoration of the cycle of frescoes of The Stories of Saint Francis, painted by Giotto in the Bardi chapel.
The restoration opens up an important chapter in the history of restoration and provides a unique opportunity to explore this Florentine master. The restoration project which got under way in June 2022 on the basis of an accord between the Opera di Santa Croce and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, with generous contributions from the Fondazione CR Firenze and from the Associazione per il Restauro del Patrimonio Artistico Italiano (A.R.P.A.I.).
Preceded and accompanied by an in-depth diagnostic campaign planned and conducted by the Opificio, the operation has actively involved research centres and professionals of international standing, under the supervision of the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle arti e Paesaggio.
Some pictures of the phases of the restoration
A heritage to be shared with all
The restoration project is due to be completed by the summer of 2025. The Opera di Santa Croce and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure have decided that once the operation is complete, the scaffolding will remain in place for a further two months in order to allow the public to visit and to admire Giotto’s work from a uniquely close vantage point.
Also, a preview of the guided tours of the restoration site is scheduled from October 2024 and July 2025, a gift from the Fondazione CR Firenze to the city and its hinterland, that is part of the territory that is the statutory object of its mission. Reservations are required. For further information, please consult the Fondazione’s website: