Santa Croce and its neighbourhood
The bond between the monumental complex and its neighbourhood is thus extremely deep, and it is in that context that the basilica, home to the tombs of the great men whose memory it jealously guards and promotes, has developed a significant dialogue with the institutions that fuel that same memory in their role as driving forces behind the neighbourhood’s vibrant cultural life: the Casa Buonarroti, the Casa Vasari-Horne Museum and the Museo Galileo, Orchestra della Toscana.
To encourage visitors to explore the Santa Croce neighbourhood and the astonishingly rich heritage housed in its cultural institutions , the Opera di Santa Croce has developed a special partnership with each one of them. So make sure you hold on to your ticket to Santa Croce because it will allow you to visit the museums listed below or to partecipate to a musical concert at a generous discount on the price of admission.