The Orchestra della Toscana
Established in Florence on the initiative of the Tuscan Regional Authority and of the Provincial and Municipal Authorities of Florence in 1980, the Orchestra della Toscana (ORT) is widely held to be one of Italy’s finest orchestras.
The Fondazione is a private-sector organisation working for the benefit of the regional community with the aim of promoting the development and dissemination of every aspect of musical culture.
The Orchestra della Toscana and Santa Croce
The Opera di Santa Croce and the Fondazione Orchestra della Toscana share an important moment of communion in the names of the great figures associated with the world of music who are commemorated in Santa Croce, and in the development of activities designed to enhance the Santa Croce neighbourhood’s cultural life and identity.
To enrich the cultural programme proposed by the Opera and the Fondazione, the two organisations have put together a discount plan for holders of tickets to the monumental complex of Santa Croce wishing to purchase tickets to the Orchestra Regionale Toscana’s concert season.

The Fondazione Orchestra della Toscana offers a discount on the price of tickets to the concert season at the Teatro Verdi to all holders of tickets to Santa Croce issued within three days of the day of purchase of the ORT ticket.