Photography and video permits
Authorisation for taking photographs or filming for purposes of study, for scholarly, commercial or editorial use or for the cinema or television is subject to terms and conditions and to the prior approval of the owners of the Santa Croce complex, in other words the Italian Interior Ministry's Fondo Edifici di Culto and the Comune di Firenze.
To obtain such authorisation, a request must be sent in writing at least 30 days in advance to: comunicazione@santacroceopera.it
In order to speed up the authorisation procedure, we recommend your initial email include as many details as possible regarding your project and any other persons or institutions involved, specifying day and time, expected duration, what exactly you plan to photograph or film, the equipment you plan to use and the purpose, destination and dissemination of the end material.
In our reply we will provide you with the deliberation of the owners and specify the terms and conditions attaching to the authorisation, if issued.
The payment of a fee, the amount of which will be stipulated in our reply, is required for all photography and filming other than that serving exclusively for purposes of study.
In every instance, the recipients of authorisation to photograph and/or film inside the complex are required to supply us with a copy of their photographs and/or video material.